
The neighborhood meeting place, from dawn to dusk.

It’s 8 a.m., Paris is waking up, and regulars like to meet here to enjoy a coffee specially roasted in the Paris region, fresh croissants from Maison Bergeron, buttered baguette, homemade jam, freshly squeezed juice; a perfect breakfast in the tradition of Parisian “comptoirs”.

Lunch, improvised or not, around a mythical “marble”, a cold brew, a glass of wine accompanies your dish or the sandwich of the day, always French. The “lunch break”, ideal and quick for all those who run but don’t forget to enjoy every moment.

In the evening, candles flicker and night owls gather to enjoy the French pop ambience and magical cocktail menu. A barbecued prime rib and a fine bottle of wine from the collection assembled by Vendémiaire and his friend Thierry Guémas, the restaurant’s red eminence and “partisan-caviste”.

The neighborhood meeting place,
from dawn to dusk.